4Runner, 4WD
Toyota Tough… a treasured workhorse for those looking for the ‘sure thing’ to get you from here to there. This Baja Babe is ready to cavort, climb, cruise, and get cantankerous.
It is our pleasure to present…

$400/wk, $1200/mo
Includes taxes, fees, insurance*
4 Doors, 5 Seats
Transmission: Manual
Dream Puff's 'In your Face' Profile...
Dreampuff is second gen 1994 which actually has a 22re engine (rare)… so not as powerful, but more reliable.
Has brand new head gasket, new water pump, new exhaust manifold gasket.
33 inch tires
Runs well
Has got some rattles we still need to work out
Has good functioning lights, off road lights, LED bar thats killer, works really awesome.
Nice rack on the top, safari rack… in a Toyota land cruiser kind of set up.
Windows work – automatic electronic.
Interior is pretty good, some cracks on the dash, pretty clean, relatively clear.
AC needs fan switch
Radio works
Brand new battery
Receiver hitch for the 2”.
Good power
Tail light guard only on one side!
20-23 mpg
4 wheel drive
Automatic locking hubs

BajaBeaters Rental
Todos Santos, Baja Sur MX
Hours of operation
7am – 7pm
BajaBeaters Rental
View Locations
Hours of operation
7am – 7pm
Not Included in Above Rate
- Beer
- Water
- Taquitos
Available Add-Ons
- Emergency Tool Kits (Traction Pad, Umbrella, Extra Gas, etc)
- Fishing Ice Chest and Gear
- Bicycle Rack
- Trailer & Tow Kit (where applicable)
- Rent-a-dog (kidding)

“Dreams made real.. the vehicle you’ve been waking up to in the middle of the night.”

“The ‘puff’ part of the name is to throw you off of its real demeanor.”
Contact Us
+1 (541) 735-0096
Todos Santos, Baja Sur MX